Monday, June 29, 2009

Emergency situation

I was walking out of the local Mexican super market (Soriana Mercado) and noticed a friend of Judy's that we know from the American Legion sitting on the bench near the door. She was obviously having some kind of problem breathing. I then remembered she has emphysema and the closer I got the more I realized she was in trouble. One of my bags was a pair of jeans that I had bought and it made a good pillow for her to lay down. As soon as she was lying down we came to the attention of the security guard. He immediately called the police and the cruz roja (red cross).The cruz roja provides ambulance and emergency service for free and is funded only by donations. Everybody was great. The ambulance crew immediately gave her oxygen and loaded her up and took off for their emergency room. I had called Judy and she and the lady's friend showed up at the same time. The friend went to the cruz roja and everything worked out fine. The oxygen did the trick. They kept her there, hydrated her, scolded her for not drinking enough water and let her go home. She called us later that night to thank us. Thank goodness for the good emergency care we have here.

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